TPT is having a Back to School Sale starting Sunday, August 12th and ending on Monday, August 13th. Everything in my store will be 20% off. Combine that with the 10% TPT is offering off by using code BTS12 and you can save 28%. I've already added tons to my wishlist and I'm sure I'll be adding lots more. Here are a few of my favorite finds that I just have to have!

I had seen Caitlin's A to Z Letters for Bulletin Boards or Banners packet and fell in love with the way she used it for her word wall.
The only problem was that the colors wouldn't match my classroom:( You don't know how excited I was to find out she was making a primary colored set. She already has it made and posted for those of you that need primary colors. You can find it here.
And just look at these cutie patooties!
I love everything Teri from A Cupcake for the Teacher makes. I'm pretty sure she has more creativity in her pinky toe than I have in my whole body. Ughh! Makes me jelly! But I still love her stuff lots! Especially these little All About Me craftivities. They will be so cute to start back the school year with. Just click on the pic to find them in her TPT store.
I can't wait to get my hands on some of Krissy Miner's things either. Her things are always so cute and functional.
Her 1st Day of Kindergarten packet looks AMAZING and will be a wonderful time saver and stress reliever for teachers trying to plan the 1st day of kindergarten.
She has also bundled her Stamping Centers and they are a GREAT deal! This bundle will save you lots of money and time. Just click on the pic below to check them out at her TPT store.
I love Donna Glynn's things. Her stuff was some of the first TPT items I ever used and they're always awesome. Her Back to School Kissing Hand packet is filled with activities and centers to start off the school year.

I can't wait to purchase all these great items! Let's hope I can wait until the sale starts. Patience is not my forte.