Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sight Word Help

Here's a quick and easy intervention to help those little friends that need extra help mastering those sight words.  This definitely works best with a small group of students... 3 or 4 at the most.

Choose 3 words that they have not mastered.   Write those words on a poster board or large sheet of paper.  Tell students that they will learn 3 new words.  Begin with the 1st word at the top of the board - and.  Say "this is and" while pointing to the word and.  Then say "say and" and have students repeat it back to you.  Continue for the other 2 words.  On the first day with this intervention tell students to find a word.  Continue until all words have been found and covered.  This will help students recognize the words.  The next day you will begin working on having students identify the words.  Point to a word on the board and ask a student what the word is.  If the student can read the word, they can cover it with a "duck tape coverer thingy."  Whatever color they choose the first time is what they use the rest of the time.  I like to use these because they don't tear or crumple and instead of writing on the board and having to throw the board away you can keep it to use over and over again.  If they can't read it go to the next friend. When all the words on the board are completely covered you can count and see who read the most words.

Here's a close up of the duck tape thingys.  I just cut the duck tape and fold in half.

If you need some other sight word activities to use in class, then you'll want to check out this Write the Room Sight Word Bundle for January, February and March.  It includes the 12 Write the Room themes you can see in the picture below.  You'll save BIG purchasing this bundle and right now it's on sale for even more...$7.20.


  1. Great and FUN idea! Thank you for sharing this post! :)

  2. What a fun idea for sight words! I love the duck tape thingys :-)

    I also wanted to let you know that I tried to add you to my pinterest boards & pinterest wouldn't let me so I'll try again later. Sometimes it means that you need to first follow the boards for the invites to go through. Pinterest can be a little glitchy! :-)

    1. Hey Diana! I am following you on Pinterest so it must be having one its moments! It does that alot to me. Lol!

    2. It finally let me add you! I hope it goes through on your end too :-)
      Thanks for joining!

  3. I appreciate everything you have added to my knowledge base.Admiring the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you offer.Thanks.

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    Top Pilot Company is the finest pesticide company in Buraidah where it is characterized by certain types of pesticides. It is not available except by our esteemed company. We import these pesticides from abroad. All these types of pesticides are excellent. Our choice of these two pesticides is important. Mitigate its effects on the environment? They may use insecticides that cause skin and chest diseases and also important things that are taken into account by our company. Top Pilot Company is the best pesticide spraying company in Buraidah. These pesticides are quick and eliminate insects in their moment and time.

    Insecticide Spraying Company in Buraidah
    Al Tayyar Confectionery Company is a leading company in the field of insect control, insect control, insect control and pesticide spraying
    A pesticide spraying company in Buraidah
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  9. Pest Control Company in Jeddah - Jasmine - 0533163233

    Jasmine - an insect control company in Jeddah - One of the most famous services that have spread in recent times is the fight against insects in Jeddah has competed a large number of major companies that provide this service in Jeddah, where it is known that insects are the most annoying things that spread rapidly in many Arab countries, In the summer due to high temperature and high humidity, for this reason, disposal is necessary because it causes many different skin and physical diseases, especially for children, most commonly itching, skin allergies and others

    An insect control company in Jeddah

    In fact, prior to the spread of insect control companies in the Arab countries, people used traditional and primitive methods to eliminate insects by preparing some recipes that may have a role in the control of insects such as vinegar mixes and sodium bicarbonate, but these primitive methods effect slow and very weak as it It appears in the long term and widespread use and while it has to be eliminated quickly, these methods have become worthless and keep people away from using them as well as some of the dough with toxic chemicals sold in pharmacies and became accepted by people in a period of Kosi But with the emergence of insect control companies in Jeddah and the use of specialized devices to eliminate insects quickly, they left people to use all these means and direction to these companies to obtain service and the removal of insects.

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  10. The importance of clearing the sewer

    If you have a problem in the sewage pipes at any time you have to use the company Taslik sewer in Jubail, has ways and means distinct and modern to wash the sewage pipes without return again and we have
    Cleaning the sewage and preventing the spread of insects around and we spray effective pesticides to eliminate Alharz permanently and we provide you our customers distinguished service for public cleaning do not worry and looking for other companies we are a comprehensive and comprehensive service for all basic household services.

    Taslik sewer depends on trained and distinguished workers and we have modern equipment and tools. We also have modern suction tanks to serve them in all neighborhoods of Jubail to the fullest. We also provide you with cleaning services of basins and boilers of kitchens and bathrooms and cleaning them in a simple and safe way and get rid of any unpleasant odors And our prices are distinct and suitable for all our customers in Jubail, please feel free to contact us at any time to do
    Sewage works
    To enjoy a life free of insects and bad odors, the company offers many other services of cleaning and disinfection.

    Sewage roads

    The most important methods of Jubail Sewerage Company in cleaning and removing sewerage and sewerage are:
    Washing for drainage pipes

    This is done by filling the pipe to be cleaned through the inspection hole at the beginning of Anbou B drainage using a metal plug and then fill the inspection room with water and then the plug is suddenly causing the wave of water formed sediment sediment in the way
    >: Washing using a metal ball made of overlapping circular metal sheets
    In this method, the water is stored behind the metal ball where it dislodges the sediment and moves it in front of it. In this way, a special machine is placed to make it easier to pull the ball out.
    Manual methods
    This method is used to clean pipes with large diameters, which allow the worker to descend to the traditional cleaning methods using the equipment dedicated to the connection where the worker to get rid of the roots of trees stuck to the pipes and fragmentation of existing solid sediments
    But you have to be very careful and follow the safety of them

    Wear rubber gloves
    Wear rubber shoes
    3. Ensure that there are no toxic gases such as carbon dioxide
    We have the best team of workers trained and highly efficient to carry out all the works of sewerage using the latest methods to ensure you get a clean environment
    For more information about the company's services, please contact us
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  11. Pest Control Company in Makkah - Al Taqwa Company

    The pest control company in Makkah is an established company in the field of insect control of all types, whatever its degree

    Their spread, insects are objects that work to disturb the human and to do great harm to him where

    Insects usually adapt to the human environment with ease as insects live in warm places

    There are many in houses, companies or factories where we will not live in this life alone, there are many

    Of the insects that coexist with us but must be very quick to get rid of those insects that threaten our lives.

    Pest Control Company in Makkah - Al Taqwa Company
    Pest Control Company in Makkah is the fastest and safest to fight


    There is no doubt that if we neglect this problem, we will undoubtedly expose our lives to the extreme danger and there are many

    People use pesticides and chemicals to dispose of insects but may introduce themselves

    Because the use of insecticides and chemicals requires certain tools and devices in addition to

    These materials need to be experienced so many companies have emerged that have specialized in combat

    Insects where these companies have the best devices and specialists to carry out the eradication of insects

    Dear customer and companies that specialized in this field pest control company in Makkah

    As it is a well known and global company and has a great role in the fight against all types of insects only call numbers

    The pest control company in Makkah will be at your service immediately and we will rid you of those turbid insects

    Describe your life as the pest control company in Makkah has the skill and competence to deal with all kinds

    Insects, no matter how dangerous they are.

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