Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome 2016!

Well hello friends and Happy New Year to you all! Now that the tree and decorations are put away and I have a lot of extra time on my hands (more to come on why in a moment), I realized that I have not connected with my blogging buddies in quite some time and I've missed you all!

Gosh, it has been way too long since my last post. Life gets so busy and crazy...and I don't know about you, but sometimes it's just about all I can do to keep my head above the water! It is easy to get overwhelmed trying to be everything to everyone. Nothing makes me happier than being a wife, mom, teacher, friend, sister, TP-er, blogger, etc. but sometimes it is necessary to take a step back to regroup, refocus, and recharge!

This winter break I learned that lesson even now more than ever! You will NOT believe what it took to force me to finally slow down. Let's just say it literally took my feet from being knocked right slap under me to give this gal a wake-up call! Can you keep a little secret if I fill you in on my latest shenanigan?! You see, sometimes I forget my age and get caught up in the fun around me and get a tad impulsive....well actually, a LOT impulsive!!! My friends and coworkers can vouch for me that I really am still a kid at heart! After all, you're only as old as you want to be...right?!? Enough procrastinating already...I'll go ahead and spill the beans! As fate had it, I took a VERY short spin on this season's hottest toy....the HOVERBOARD...and you guessed it...I had a very nasty #hoverboardfail! In fact, that very painful fall left me with a very painful broken wrist! :(

This past Wednesday I had quite an extensive surgery to repair my "destroyed" left wrist. It required some metal hardware: a plate, some screws, and pins. But the good news is that I'm put back together and now on the road to recovery. I'm not even going to sugar-coat it...a broken wrist and wrist surgery is quite painful yall! Needless to say, I have done quite a lot of lying around, catching up on my favorite shows I had on DVR, checking out my favorite bloggers, and enjoying some amazing meals that has been delivered to our home by my sweet family and friends. In the midst of it all, we've been blessed!

With that being said, I'm so excited about 2016!!! It  is going to be a year of balance, focus, new creations, and success-both at home and school! I can just feel it! I've spent the last week brainstorming and making major to-do lists! I'm pumped up about being the best me that I can possibly be. Slowing down has forced me to examine areas in my life that I must work on. I don't want to set unrealistic goals for this new year, because I know me. If things don't end up as planned, I really beat myself up about it. So I've settled on three areas I can commit to focusing on this year: working on my health with cleaner eating and exercise, blogging and reconnecting with my amazingly talented teacher friends, and creating some new effective products that I can use and share with you guys too!

Happy New Year, friends and pray for a speedy recovery!!! :)

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