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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Little Elf Magic

Does one of Santa's magical little friends visit your classroom each year?  If not, you are missing out on some much needed sanity at this time of the year!  Our Elf on the Shelf, Elfie, made his appearance Monday when we came back from Thanksgiving break and my sweeties have been absolutely wonderful these past two days.  What's even more fun is that I've incorporated the Elf on the Shelf all in our learning this week using my Elf on the Shelf: Literacy and Math Activities.  I just realized how yucky my pics look.  I guess that's what happens when you leave your "real" camera at home and use your phone instead.  Sorry!

Syllable Sort
I held up the pictures and called on a student to name the picture and clap while saying the word to tell how many syllables the word had and then added it under the elf with that number.  They do the same for the recording sheet and color in the elves to show how many syllables are in the word.

There are several different pattern cards.  On the back of each is a small envelope.  The cards to duplicate the pattern on top, extend the pattern in the middle, and create a pattern on the bottom are placed on the back of each card in the envelope.  On the recording sheet they cut and glue to extend the patterns.
Here's Elfie!  And yes I'm cheap like that!  We have a plush Elf on the Shelf that was $18 compared to the $30 ones.  There's my note from Santa and of course, he sent one to the boys and girls as well.  The middle pic is of our behavior forms Santa sent for me to fill out at the end of each day.  Elfie takes them to Santa at the North Pole each night so Santa knows if our class was good or bad that day. It's working!  We're 2 for 2 on the smilies.

Elf on the Shelf Craft

We're making these tomorrow.  Each one will have the same hair and eye color as the student who makes it.  Then we will do a little writing so Elfie can let Santa know what we want for Christmas.

Beginning Sounds
Students match the picture each elf is holding with the letter that it begins with.  For the recording sheet, I just have them turn over an elf card and say the picture name and write the beginning letter sound.

Counting Candy
Students count the candy on each card and match it to the elf with that number then record it in the correct spot on the recording sheet.

Number Sequencing
Students line the elves up in number order 1-10, 11-20, or 1-20. 

Count the Room/Write the Room
Students find the elves hiding in the room and record their answers on the recording sheets. 

If you need some Elf on the Shelf magic for your room, you can check it out here or by clicking the pic below.  It's on sale now for $5.20 plus you can get another 10% off by using the code CMT12.

1 comment:

  1. تعتمد ايضاً شركة مكافحة حشرات بخميس مشيط على فريق مدرب مران خاص ليقوم بمكافحة النمل الأبيض وأنواع الحشرات المتغايرة، يتم مران الفريق على استعمال الأدوات والمبيدات، يتم ايضا تمرين الفريق على عملية البخ وطريقة إعطاب جحور النمل الابيض ورش جميع الأماكن ليتم التخلص من النمل الأبيض بفاعلية والقضاء عليه كليا دون رجوع مرة ثانية، لهذا تقوم شركة رش مبيدات بخميس مشيط باستعمال أفراد مؤهلين للعمل الجاد حتى يحصل الزبون على خدمة ممتازة، يكون ايضاً الفريق مستعد للعمل بأي توقيت، فيكون كل شخص في مؤسسة مفتاح الخيرات متاح في مختلف الأوقات وجاهز لخدمة الزبون في أي لحظة، فشركة مفتاح الخيرات هي الحل لبيت خالي من الحشرات لأن مؤسسة مفتاح الخيرات هي المؤسسة الأولى لتقديم خدمات ممتازة على أعلى مستوى محتمل.
    شركة مكافحة حشرات
    شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريدة
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض ببريدة
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